Saturday, October 17, 2009

Our reward

Friday, September 25, 2009

Minutes of meeting 05

Meeting 05

Date: 25th September 2009

Attendance: Jeremy, Haan, Jian Wen, Richard, Ivan
John late with apologies.

Main agenda:

1. Compare and critique images produced
2. Referencing / Submission
3. Close project
Six images were presented for review and the four required images were selected as the final submission pieces. Comments and feedback for the rendered images was done online via comments on the blog.

Each member compiled a list of references of external images that was used in the rendered images and John will consolidate.

John will also consolidate and send the following items in a zipped folder for submission:

1. 01 x Read me file containing names of group members, blog address and points to take note of
2. 02 x Google Sketchup files
3. 04 x rendered images to showcase concept

Zipped folder to be submitted before midnight on the 25th of September 2009
Next meeting
As this is the last meeting, there will be no other further physical meetings. The group has agreed to continue monitoring the blog and to review our work.
Congratulations to all on a job well done.
End of minutes

Growing process

From seed to tree

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Cityscape - day shot

Hey guys.. I've lightened the background and changed some of the positions to try and show the globes. What do you think now?

micro level

tada!! finally done...any amendments needed?

close up

Macro level - cityscape

Hey guys.. What do you think?

new improved macro

macro background

micro level

Finally...phew...i printscreen to get the pic...i dunno y i cant save the pic to jpeg...weird...
neway...any comments n amendments needed?

tree entrance

Perfect world online game (完美世界)

Reference Link :

Black & White

I feel that this black & white image also interesting, so i upload it.

Conceptual Tree Housing

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Taking a look around second life.

evolution of green

Drawn by Jeremy

Minutes of meeting 04

Meeting 04

Date: 23rd September 2009

Attendance: Jeremy, Haan, Jian Wen, John
Richard and Ivan late with apologies.

Main agenda:

1. Split into two groups.
2. Work on designated aspects of the project.
3. Next suggested meeting date

Splitting of teams
Team was broken into two teams to facilitate production.
Team Alpha -Haan, Jeremy & Ivan
Team Beta - Jianwen, Richard & John
Designated images

Team Alpha is tasked with creating images for the following two images:
1. Micro level (smaller scale) – individual housing unit
· How people live in it
2. Exploring the boundaries
· Possible future expansion of building
While Team Beta is tasked with creating the following two images:
1. Evolution of seed to building

2. Marco level (large scale) - cityscape
Both team will work on one image by Thursday night and communicate and update fellow teammates via the blog.

Next meeting
Next meeting is designated for Friday, the 25th of September 2009. Meeting to me split into two slots – Team Alpha (Haan, Jeremy & Ivan) will be meeting at 11am while Team Beta (Jianwen, Richard & John) will be meeting at 1pm.
This will be the last meeting, all other communication to be carried out online.
End of minutes

place whr pixies live...

Link from Google :

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tall trees from Deviantart

Another image I think is quite nice.

Link from Deviantart:

Monday, September 21, 2009

Andre Maynard's activist architecture

Check out Andre Maynard's activist architecture - he's an activist against tree logging and builds structures that cling onto the trunk.

Here are two pics, go to his URL to view more schematic layouts.

Link to article:
Link to architect's webpage:

living root bridges

cool living architecture!


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Conceptual Sketch Ideas

interesting layout

Yellow Treehosue in New Zealand

One of the nicest treehouses I've come across. It's a restaurant in New Zealand, and when I'm there I'd love to go there to makan.

Link to Yellow Treehouse:

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Hi all.. This was what I was referring to when I was talking about elven cities. This one is the city of Lothlorien in Lord of the Rings.

Image from

the life of a tree

hey all, herewith the sketch tht shows how ppl live in an evolved tree. Prolly we can develop from this image, wht say u?

Minutes of meeting 03

Meeting 03

Date: 19th of September 2009

Attendance: Jeremy, Haan, Richard, Ivan, Jian Wen, John
Jeremy late with apologies and brought Tim Tams to apologise. :)

Main agenda:
1. Set up blog
2. Task allocation
3. Come out with conceptual sketches of design
4. Confirm the type of program to facilitate the images.
i. Google Sketch
ii. Adobe Photoshop
5. Review assessment criteria
6. Decide on images to showcase
7. Next suggested meeting date

Blog address:
Task allocation:
All to do additional research to be carried out individually and posted onto blog.
Items to research include:

1. Ideas of growth of seeds
2. Other inspirations of tree houses
3. Any other relevant information
Programs chosen to facilitate process:
1. Google Sketch

2. Adobe Photoshop
Conceptual drawings:
Ivan and Jian Wen
Google Sketch up:
Ivan and Richard will be in charge of generating forms in 3D
Jeremy, Haan and John will be in charge of rendering photo-realistic images
Ideas of concept:
Our concept is based on a house that grows from a seed – not to be mistaken with tree houses.
Images chosen to showcase our concepts:
i. Evolution of seed to building

ii. Marco level (large scale) - cityscape

iii. Micro level (smaller scale) – individual housing unit
· How people live in it
iv. Exploring the boundaries
· Possible future expansion of building
Next meeting
Next meeting is designated for Monday, the 21th of September 2009
End of minutes

Seed picture

Friday, September 18, 2009

Terreform on Ecology Degin

Check out this youtube video on eco-futurist architect Mitchell Joachim of Terreform talking about growing buildings and living treehouse designs.

Pretty interesting.



Thursday, September 17, 2009

Minutes of meeting 02

Meeting 02

Date: 17th of September 2009

Attendance: Jeremy, Haan, Richard, Ivan, Jian Wen, John

Main agenda:

1. Review online projects
2. Allocation of duties within group
3. Suggest a blog address
4. Next suggested meeting date
Shortlisted projects:
Discussion of which project we feel would be viable to pursue and the idea generated for the chosen scheme

Schemes that we felt were worth mentioning:

1. TVXQ: Landuse issue
Similarities to tree houses
Eco friendly

2. Earth Group:
Interesting layout
Radial layout – zoning

3. Condo Rider: Environmental issue
Likes the way the Industrial zone is set apart
Likes how agricultural and residential areas are linked.

4. PooGooJoo : Quality of life
Open to various interpretations
Choose a concept to develop

Looking at so many various aspects to consider, we have decided that our aim is to develop the chosen scheme’s residential aspect.

Jian Wen and John do no feel it is beneficial to keep the agricultural and residential grounds in close proximity to each other due to pollution
Ideas generated:
Floating city:
Jeremy: Suggests create a bubble atmosphere – to protect from the pollutants of the industrial waste.
Haan: Likes a floating city because it’s secure, ability to land as and when you want.
Represents freedom – freedom to go wherever you want, freedom of gravity.

Floating platform:
Ivan: A platform with a connection to an underground living space, under the sea.
Richard: A central platform in the middle of three islands with a connection to the land.

Raised housing:
Prevent loss of heat to the ground

Concrete jungle:
A building that has a “seed” – plant this seed and it grows into an organic form that is eco-friendly.
Analysis of ideas




Bubble city

global plan,
flexible space

Blocks sunlight,

Floating platform
with connection to underground space

Separation from industrial area and residential area,
Idea of living underwater,

Lack of connection the Earth/ground

Floating platform, connected to the three islands

Segregation from vehicular traffic and human traffic

Concrete jungle

Separation of human and vehicular traffic

Potentially non-sustainable.

Sustainability – Eco design


Genetic modified seed – a DNA specified fruit that will grow into a pod for living.


Susceptible to termites (biological attack)

After a vote, the idea of a sustainable eco design was voted most interesting idea to work with.
Allocation of duties:
Group Leader - Lim Tiong Haan

Duties include facilitating of meetings and ensure deadlines are met.

Secretary – John Siow

Record minutes of meetings and documentation of conversations and ideas.

Suggested Team names:

· Seed

· Eco-seed (Chosen)
Next meeting
Next meeting is designated for Saturday, the 19th of September 2009
End of minutes

Monday, September 14, 2009

Minutes of meeting 01

Meeting 01

Date: 14th of September 2009
Attendance: Jeremy, Haan, Richard, Ivan, Jian Wen, John

Main agenda:
1. Group formation
2. Initial task to complete
3. Next suggested meeting date
Group formation:
Jeremy, Haan, Richard, Ivan, Jian Wen, John

Initial tasks:
Each to review online project at and find one that draws inspiration

Next meeting
Next meeting is designated for Thursday, the 17th of September 2009
End of minutes

Virgin post

Hello! All the best for the assignment!